Did you know that biking against traffic is illegal?
MABA partnered with the Montrose High School welding class to produce bike parking racks. MABA paid for the materials and the High School students welded the racks.
MABA provided these bike racks to businesses at no charge. All of our efforts are donation and volunteer based so some of the businesses thanked MABA with a donation.
For the month of June 2021 MABA paid citizens $2 per day that they biked to work. Some employers matched the payout for their employees.
Montrose is the only community in Colorado to have a program such as this. 32% of the riders said they had not biked to work prior to the incentive
MABA inspired over 900 cars off the streets of Montrose for June.
Through hard work and donations from the community, we were able to get an Urban Bike Map printed and available to residents at no charge to them.
Montrose is one of the few communities in the state with this resource and it is the quickest moving item at the Visitors Center.
More information on our BIKING MAP page.
A long time staple of MABA has been cruiser rides. These are fun for the community and help share good biking vibes.
We set a new record in June 2021 with 61 riders for Bike to Work Day at San Juan Brews
Followed requirements and submitted the application for the Bicycle Friendly Community designation for the City of Montrose. Earning our first ever Bronze level designation.
Assisted Mayfly Outdoors in becoming the first Montrose business to earn a bicycle friendly designation.
Montrose has an incredible community and we are able to help riders get a new bike, lock, and helmet for free.
More information on our BIKE MATCH page.
You spoke, we acted. After fundraising with the community we were able to partner with the city to add signage to Ogden Road
Completed Safe Routes to School programs at Cottonwood Elementary and Northside Elementary (including donating 41 new helmets to students at Northside)
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